You’ve read a book on emotional intelligence or you’ve attended a workshop and you liked it. You realize that these competencies and skills can help you move forward in your career, be a more effective leader, make better decisions and develop stronger interpersonal relationships.
So what’s next? What is the best way to learn and develop your emotional intelligence?
When it comes to emotional intelligence, learning about it and knowing how to apply it in your life are two different things. You can learn about it in a classroom or from a book but in order to apply it in your life you need to understand what specific competencies you want to focus on and then develop and implement an action plan.
Taking the EQ-i 2.0. assessment will exactly help you do this. As a result of completing the assessment you will receive your unique emotional intelligence profile with specific and measurable results. These results will then allow you to identify and leverage your strengths, to decide what areas you want to develop and help you put containment on any out-of-balance areas that could interfere with your ability to fully leverage your strengths.
The EQ-i 2.0. is one of the most scientifically validated emotional intelligence assessments on the market today and is used by companies and organizations globally. It measures the interaction between a person and her environment, then presents results in both numerical and graphical form. The power of this assessment is in how the Scales and Subscales (see above) help us understand and predict with amazing accuracy what behaviors a person is most likely to exhibit and to identify the motivations behind the behavior.
The EQ-i 2.0. model above shows how five Composite Scales and fifteen Subscales interact to predict behaviors. The circular nature of the model is a visual representation of how each area of emotional intelligence influences the next.
• Identifies strengths
• Identifies challenge areas
• Results presented in easy-to-read bar graphs
• Focused on personal development
• Leads to specific action plan
• Promotes greater organizational effectiveness
• Excellent tool for individuals in transition
• Great for developing leaders
• Excellent selection tool
• Excellent succession planning tool
To more fully appreciate the power of this tool and take the assessment please contact us via our contact tab.