Positive Psychology – How Can You Apply It to Your Life?

There are various ways to increase your well-being. For example, by leveraging your strengths; understanding and monitoring your explanatory style; increasing your appreciation and gratitude; engagement; flow; and setting goals in a way that fits your style and supports you. All these aspects are complementary, and create a reinforcing pattern that increases your positive emotions, leading to more positive experiences. This in turn enhances your sense of meaning, fulfillment and life satisfaction.


Coaching is an ideal environment to learn and apply the processes that can enhance your well-being and improve your performance. It is an experiential and individual process. You can learn about it by reading books, but in order to develop new habits you need to develop new cognitive patterns, experience new behaviors and integrate everything in the context of your life and of who you are. As each individual is unique, the coaching process provides you with a personalized and customized focus on your specific needs and on what you choose to work on.

See Also

Positive Psychology – What Is It and Why Is It Important?
Positive Psychology – Leveraging Your Strengths